Craft Campus Design Diary
Stage 5
Genoa: City of Steel and Stone
Initial sketches relating to the aesthetic value of mechanisms, textures and structures
Route and Site Investigation
Take a Walk Through Historic Genoa
Prior to choosing a site, a specific route through the Centro Storico was chosen for more in-depth analysis.
Noise Levels
Terrain model
Located on a south-facing slope, the site has its back against the old sea-wall to the north and the fall of the site is significant with a 10m drop from Piazza Sarzano to the Vico Sotto le Murette, and the large 19th century Ravasco bridge to the east spans the river valley between the Centro Storico and the district of Portoria. Large-vehicle access is possible from the Ravasco bridge, and there is parking space at the foot of the slope, south of the site. Otherwise the site is accessible by small cars and scooters from the west along Vico Sotto le Murette, and by foot from the parking at the south, from the north through the sea-wall from Piazza Sarzano, and from the east and south east under the Ravasco bridge.
Development Models